Posted By Luca

Ethermine vs. Nanopool profitability

Ethermine and Nanopool are two of the biggest mining pools for Ethereum. But which one is the profitablest?

Some days ago I startet a comparison and now I want share the result with you.


For the comparison I have used four rigs: two mining on Ethermine and two mining on Nanopool. They all have the same hardware and software configuration. One rig has a hasing power of ~193 MH/s. Here are the details:


  • Motherboard: ROG STRIX Z370-F GAMING
  • CPU: Intel i3-8100 @ 3.6 GHz
  • 5 x GeForce GTX 1070
  • 2 x GeForce GTX 1060 6 GB


  • EthOS 1.2.9
  • Ethermine 0.14.0.dev2


# global settings
globalminer ethminer
globalmem +470
globalcore 1500
globalpowertune 120
globalfan 90

# rig settings (replace xxxxxx with rig id)
# GPU order: 1070 1070 1060 1060 1070 1070 1070
pwr xxxxxx 120 120 90 90 120 120 120
mem xxxxxx 4270 4270 4650 4650 4270 4270 4270


I started all the miners on 2018-04-03 at 20:00 until they reached 0.2 ETH. The result is represented in the next picture:

The difference is very small. Facts:

  • Nanopool reports more (~6.8%) hashing rate than Ethermine.
  • Nanopool seems to be faster (~2.5%) in the first 24 hours of mining.
  • Ethermine reached 0.2 ETH in 6 days 15 hours and 42 minutes. Nanopool reached 0.2 ETH in 6 days 17 hours and 33 minutes. Ethermine is performing ~1.15% better!

Raw data


Ethermine is performing better, so I would choose it 🙂 Please leave a comment if you have done also some tests. It would be nice to compare other results.

My name is Luca Costa, an enthusiastic system engineer. In this blog you will find articles about technolgy and more. Feel free to contact me!

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